
Materiality Assessment

Declare the pursuit of social value as a core business strategy and reflect the diverse needs of stakeholders

리사이클 제품 개발,안전 사고 Zero 사업장,경제성과,백신을 통한 질병 예방,2050 탄소중립,바이오소재 제품 개발,ESG 통합리스크 관리,제품의 유해성 평가,질병 치료,화학물질 관리 강화,컴플라이언스,윤리 및 청렴성,고용 및 노사관계,인권경영,지배구조,공급망 관리,고객정보보호,훈련 및 교육,이해관계자 참여,지역사회공헌 의 전략, 목표, 보상연계, 비용, 수익, 리스크 관련 표
Ranking of Issues Area SK chemical Social Responsibility Issues
1 Environment Promoting carbon neutrality to mitigate climate change
2 Environment Developing green technologies and expanding investments
3 Environment Developing eco-friendly materials and bio-solutions
4 Fair Operation Practices Prohibiting abuses of power for self-interest and implementing anti-corruption measures
5 Environment Achieving zero waste
6 Environment Reducing hazardous chemical emissions
7 Human Rights Ensuring equal opportunities and respect for all employees, including vulnerable groups
8 Customer Improving ecological and social impact via evaluation of the entire product process and communicating its results
9 Labor Practices Improving employee development system
10 Labor Practices Providing a working environment in accordance with international labor norms and ensuring work-life balance
11 Labor Practices Upgrading chemical management system and managing risks on employee safety
12 Customer Ensuring chemical product safety
13 Fair Operation Practices Promoting fair trade and prohibiting anti-competitive conduct
14 Fair Operation Practices Strengthening supply chain ESG capabilities
15 Governance Considering ESG management priorities when making business and investment decisions
16 Fair Operation Practices Improving fair marketing and contract practices by providing balanced information
17 Governance Enhancing Board expertise, independence, and diversity
18 Environment Building a water shortage risk response system and conserving water resources
19 Community Engagement and Development Expanding partnerships for community development
20 Governance Reporting ESG management policies, performance and goals through the Board and discussing future directions for its development
21 Human Rights Building a comprehensive human rights management system for internal and external stakeholders
22 Community Engagement and Development Promoting biodiversity and environmental protection activities
23 Community Engagement and Development Providing social contribution activities and resources for win-win growth of the community
24 Governance Reorganizing Board structure and operational policies
25 Governance Enhancing transparency in disclosing ESG management information and expanding communications
26 Customer Protecting customer data and information
27 Customer Improving customer satisfaction management system
28 Fair Operation Practices Supporting responsible political processes and participating in public policy development
29 Fair Operation Practices Building a social safety net for the community by improving healthcare environment
30 Fair Operation Practices Educating and raising awareness for responsible procurement

SK chemicals Material Issues

순위, 중요 이슈, 중요 이슈와 관련된 이해관계자 그룹, 영향력
Rank Material issue Stakeholder Groups Related Impact
1 Carbon neutrality for climate change mitigation Local communities, government and associations, customers, shareholders · investors · financial institutions, employees, and business partners Environment, economy, society
2 Development of eco-friendly business and expansion of investment Environment, economy, society
3 Development of eco-friendly materials and bio solutions (R&D) Economy, environment, society
  • 310 Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
    463-400 Korea [13494]
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Ethical Management

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