We care for the future. Healthcare, Earthcare
Chemistry caring for the environment ∙ Science protecting life ∙ A company that opens happiness,SK chemicals is making it.
2030 We Care for the future
Eco-friendly/Bio business
Establishment of global bio-industry ecosystem Achieving 100% of eco-friendly materials
- Proportion of recycled products: 100% by 2030
- Biomaterial products (PO3G, PLA)
Carbon reduction
50% Carbon reduction (Scope 1,2,3 1))
- Direct, indirect emissions mitigation
- Offset business
cf. 2040 Carbon Neutrality(Net Zero) 2022 TCFD Report
Life Cycle Management
Proof of product LCA, hazard reduction
- 90% of Copolyester products In-process chemical management accidents 0
- Leakage accidents during research/production activities 0 ZWTL2) certification for waste
- Recycling rate over 80%
Safety accident Zero workplace
Lost-Time Injuries Frequency Rate3) < 0.05 SHE mgmt. System Upgrade
1) Type of Greenhouse gas Scope 1, 2, 3
2) ZWTL: Zero Waste to Landfill
3) Lost-Time Injuries Frequency Rate: Number of cases of lost work over 1 day/yearly worked hours × 200,000