

SK Double Bottom Line

Pursuing social value based on human-centered management philosophy and "Happiness Management"

SK not only contributes to economic development but also grows together with society through social value creation.

SK Double Bottom Line

SK aims to achieve sustainable stability and growth by incorporating the Double Bottom Line (DBL) principle in its management philosophy. Double Bottom Line (DBL) is a principle that pursues and manages both economic value (EV) and social value (SV), unlike the conventional Single Bottom Line principle that only focuses on managing economic value and the pursuit of profits.

SK Double Bottom Line

사회적가치 아이콘

Economic Value

Financial performance disclosed in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards as the final outcome of the company’s economic activities.

수익 - 비용


Social performance generated by creating social benefits through the company’s economic activities and reduction in the cost of social damage

사회창출이익 - 사회훼손비용

Social value is the sum of the social performance of the company’s management activities that have contributed to the resolution of “social problems.” We have defined social problems as the condition in which many members of society suffer from structural problems that cannot be solved by individual efforts and classified the social values created during the course of corporate management activities into "Indirect Economic Value", "Environmental Performance” and "Social Performance".


  • Indirect Economic Value
  • Environmental Performance
  • Social Performance
sk케미칼, 사회적가치에 대한인식전환-비즈니스 모델 (BM)의 가치를 경제적 가치와 사회적 가치의 합으로 정의, 새로운 BM혁신이 핵심목표- SV를 높여서 장기적으로는 EV도 높아지는 의사결정의 경험 축적

DBL is the starting point for enhancing enterprise value and establishing SK's management strategies to grow with society

  • Set SV business model innovation as a new key goal

    Establish a new BM that pursues both EV and SV instead of pursuing EV only

  • Start creating new enterprise value by adding social value

    Add SV of resolving social problems to the enterprise value, which used to be represented by EV

  • Establish SK's management strategies to grow with society

    Pursue a sustainable future for both the company and society

Directions for SK DBL

  • 01 성과를 보고있는사진

    Measuring the SV performance in the right way

  • 02 엄지를 들고있는사진

    Developing new social value business models

  • 03 화합관련 이미지

    Bringing in more people to join the efforts to create social value