

To pursue the DBL principle, SK chemicals has announced the measurement results of social values in the following three areas along with economic values every year since 2018, and actively applied these results when establishing business strategies and making decisions through a monetary-based measurement method.

  • 18,19,20년의 고용, 배당금 그래프
    Indirect Economic Value
    Employment: Wages for employees, welfare expense
    Dividend Distribution: Dividends allocated to shareholders
    Tax Payment: Tax paid to society
  • 18,19,20년의 제품/서비스, 사회(노동/동반성장) 금액 그래프
    Environmental Performance
    Products/Services: Direct impact on the environment through the products and services the company produces
    Environment (Process): Measure the amount of environmental pollution that occurs during product production
  • 18,19,20년의 사회공헌활동, 기부/봉사활동 금액 그래프
    Social Performance
    Quality of Life: The effect of improving the quality of life of buyers or users
    Labor, Shared Growth: Contribution to society through fair labor and shared growth
    Social Contribution: Measures of social value created for community support