
Governance Introduction

Company name, capital, established date, settlement period, listing date, total assets, CEO, address, Key industry, point of contact
Company name SK chemicals LTD Total assets 98,681 million won
Established date 01 DEC 2017 Settlement period December
Listing date 05 JAN 2018 Total assets 3,955,632 million won
CEO Cheol Kim, Ahn Jae-Hyun Address Pangyo-ro 310, Bundang-gu, Seongnam, Gyeonggi, ROK
Key industry Polyester resin and medicine production and etc. Point of contact 02-2008-2008

※ This company is a newly established subsidiary established by dividing the Green Chemicals and Life Science business divisions among the businesses operated by SK Discovery (formerly SK chemicals).

회사명,설립일,상장일,대표이사,대표업종, 자본금,결산기,자산총계,본점주소,대표전화
Company name SK chemicals LTD
Established date 01 DEC 2017
Listing date 05 JAN 2018
CEO Cheol Kim, Kwang-hyun Jeon
Key industry Polyester resin and medicine production and etc.
Total assets 65,193 million won
Settlement period December
Total assets 1,660,155 million won
Address Pangyo-ro 310, Bundang-gu, Seongnam, Gyeonggi, ROK
Point of contact 02-2008-2008

※ This company is a newly established subsidiary established by dividing the Green Chemicals and Life Science business divisions among the businesses operated by SK Discovery (formerly SK chemicals).