
Governance Introduction

Stock issuance details(par value per share:5,000 won)
Type of stock, total number of issued shares, total face value, note
Type of stock Total number of issued shares Total face value (Million units) Note
Common stock 17,620,780 88,104
Preferred stock 2,115,429 10,577
Total 19,736,209 98,681
Treasury stock holding status
Type of stock, stock quantity, note
Type of stock Quantity Note
Common stock 420,346 Acquisition of single orders due to compnay split
Preferred stock 148,133 Acquisition of single orders due to company split
Total 568,479
Distribution of 5% or more shares

(as of Dec 2021)

Shareholders, common stock, preferred stock, total
Type Shareholders Stock Ratio Note
5% or more shareholders SK Discovery Co., Ltd 6,137,781 34.83% -
National pension 1,414,546 8.03% -
Union shares - - - -