
Stakeholder Management

SK chemicals is implementing a talent nurturing program to develop employees into productive professionals.

※ KRW 3.4 billion in Educational Expenses for Employees in 2021

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    Training Excellent Human Resources

    All employees of SK chemicals receive opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills required to perform their duties at work.
    Outstanding employees selected through a fair process and in-depth discussion are provided with opportunities to sharpen their skills in schools or professional education institutions at home and abroad. SK chemicals provides necessary financial support for their education, allowing the employees to solely focus on their academic training.

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    Support for diploma and certification

    For raising professional expertise and competency of employees, SK chemicals operates a support system for those wishing to earn degrees and certificates.
    Educational expenses for employees acquiring degrees or certificates related to their jobs are offered through selection procedures in order to encourage our employees to grow as recognized experts in the industry.

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    Self-Competency Development Program

    SK chemicals runs the Individual Development Program (IDP), in which employees design and operate their own competency development programs, and the Career Development Program (CDP), in which employees develop their own careers.

    • IDP designs job competency development and achievement evaluation methods for each individual among 45 jobs (5 jobs in the marketing group, 11 jobs in the production group, 11 jobs in the R&D group, and 18 jobs in the management support group)
    • CDP allows employees to choose among the duties in competency development program and common job competencies to improve on, and design the duties for actual application (moving to a new environment and enhancing professionalism are possible)